Auto Services & Dealers Insurance
Making sure your business is properly protected
Protecting Your Dealership, Auto Service Shop and Employees
At PeoplesAlly, we offer six different types of insurance for those in the auto industry. Depending on the location of your business and the kind of risks you take on, some policies are likely more suitable for you and cheaper in premium than others.
Select a policy:
General Liability
General Liability |
Workers' Compensation |
Property & Liability |
Umbrella Policy |
Commercial Auto |
Cyber Insurance |

Also known as commercial liability insurance, a general liability policy is important, because general contractors and landlords often require a policy before they hire you. The policy covers damages and legal costs associated with injury claims to customers and other people you don't employ, damage to other people's property that was caused by your business, and medical costs associated with these incidents. It also covers libel, slander, and copyright infringement.

We specialize in offering popular insurance products for the new industry norm given the 2020 pandemic.
Contact us now to talk to a professional.
Why Do Auto Related Companies Need Insurance?
You have too much at stake to run a business without insurance. General liability protects against several types of claims, including faulty repairs and damage to customers’ cars due to hail or fire. Add a garagekeeper’s liability policy to cover vehicles in your care, custody, and control. For the risks your employees face when working in, around, and under vehicles, you’ll need workers’ comp. This policy also covers injuries to employees if they’re injured while testing vehicles on the road.
Auto body technicians
Auto dealership owners
Automotive equipment installation specialists
Automotive paint and body specialists
Auto shop owners
Automotive technicians
Auto van conversion companies
Car mechanics
Diesel mechanics
Master mechanics
Mobile car mechanics
Auto salespersons/sales associates
Service managers
Tire technicians
Transmission technicians
Vehicle inspectors

We Are Insurance Experts
We have over 10,000 satisfied customers and 30+ years of insurance experience. We have seen it all and can get you the best package for your needs.
Providing People with Protection Everywhere
PeoplesAlly is trusted by thousands of businesses no matter what size. We can help you meet your insurance needs in any industry or line of business.
Select an industry:

There are many kinds of insurance out there, but as an accounting & finance business owner, you have very unique needs. At PeoplesAlly, we’ll help you understand what kind of insurance is best for you. Just fill out a simple form online or speak with one of our licensed insurance experts to get a free quote. Plus, with PeoplesAlly, you can purchase a policy, manage it, and submit claims online for ultimate convenience.
Learn More
Find out more about what makes us a great company. Learn the basics of various insurance policies we offer. Keep up with the latest news and resources.